Carolyn Marsden
ISBN: 9780763643812
Availability: 3 In Stock

Every day nine-year-old Binh sells fruit and sodas to the girls whose families can afford to send them to school, and every night she returns to her one-room home to share a simple meal with her family. Everything changes, however, when her grandmother tells Binh she had a daughter during the war, a child who was sent away to America as a little girl. Now Di Hai -- Binh's aunt, a teacher -- is coming to visit, and Binh can't help but wonder what luxurious gifts she will bring. Yet when Di Hai arrives, there are so many confusing things about her: she's taller than the men, she's not married, and her presents are mere trinkets that could have come from Third Aunt's tourist shop! Still, Binh secretly hopes Di Hai will take her to live in America. Can her aunt live up to her expectations? Carolyn Marsden tells Binh's story with warmth and sensitivity as she ushers readers into the life and dreams of a young Vietnamese girl.

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