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'ART' by Yasmina Reza, Translated by Christopher Hampton (Faber Plays) 'ART' by Yasmina Reza, Translated by Christopher Hampton (Faber Plays)

'ART' by Yasmina Reza, Translated by Christopher Hampton (Faber Plays)

Yasmina Reza, Translated by Christopher Hampton
"The Tony Award-winning play that focuses on the meaning of art (in the form of a solid white painting) as well as the meaning of friendship, to both the man...
Sale -25%
(EBOOK ONLY /EMAILED) Jacaranda Core Science Stage 5 NSW LearnON (1 x ACCESS CODE), 2nd Edition (FIRM SALE)

(EBOOK ONLY /EMAILED) Jacaranda Core Science Stage 5 NSW LearnON (1 x ACCESS CODE), 2nd Edition (FIRM SALE)

Pascale Warnant et al
The latest editions of Jacaranda Core Science NSW Australian curriculum series include these key features: This digital title provides 100% coverage of the NSW Australian curriculum for Science. The activation...
$60.00 $45.00
eBookHistory > Ancient

(EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) Antiquity 2 Year 12, 4th Edition, Toni Hurley et al (DIGITAL ONLY) (FIRM SALE)

Toni Hurley & Christine Murray
obook assess is a cloud-based obook that students can use anywhere, anytime on any device.Students can: access their Student book access rich, interactive content access work assigned by their teacher:...
$54.95 $49.95
Sale -21%
(EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) Australian Signpost 10 (5.1-5.3) Mathematics NSW (1 x Access Code) (FIRM SALE)

(EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) Australian Signpost 10 (5.1-5.3) Mathematics NSW (1 x Access Code) (FIRM SALE)

Alan McSeveny et al
Reader+ is the home of your eBooks. It gives you more options, more flexibility and more control when it comes to the classroom materials you use. It comes with features...
$37.95 $30.00

(EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) Australian Signpost 8 Mathematics NSW (1 x Access Code) (FIRM SALE)

Alan McSeveny et al
Reader+ is the home of your eBooks. It gives you more options, more flexibility and more control when it comes to the classroom materials you use. It comes with features...
$37.95 $30.00
Sale -21%
(EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) Australian Signpost 9 (5.1-5.2) Mathematics NSW (1 x Access Code) (FIRM SALE)

(EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) Australian Signpost 9 (5.1-5.2) Mathematics NSW (1 x Access Code) (FIRM SALE)

Alan McSeveny et al
Reader+ is the home of your eBooks. It gives you more options, more flexibility and more control when it comes to the classroom materials you use. It comes with features...
$37.95 $30.00
Sale -20%
(EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) Biology in Focus Year 11 Student Book, 2nd Edition

(EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) Biology in Focus Year 11 Student Book, 2nd Edition

Glenda Chidrawi et al
Biology in Focus, Preliminary, meets the complete requirements of the 2017 NSW BOSTES Stage 6 Biology syllabus in intent, content and sequence. CONTENTS 1 Cell structure and technologies 2 Cell...
$49.95 $39.95
Sale -20%
(EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) Biology in Focus Year 12 Access Code, 2nd Edition

(EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) Biology in Focus Year 12 Access Code, 2nd Edition

Glenda Chidrawi et al
Biology in Focus Year 12 Student Book completely meets the requirements of the 2017 NSW NESA Stage 6 Biology syllabus in intent, content and sequence. The student book is written...
$49.95 $39.95
Sale -15%
(EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) Cambridge Cities of Vesuvius: Pompeii and Herculaneun, 3rd Edition (ACCESS CODE) (EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) Cambridge Cities of Vesuvius: Pompeii and Herculaneun, 3rd Edition (ACCESS CODE)

(EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) Cambridge Cities of Vesuvius: Pompeii and Herculaneun, 3rd Edition (ACCESS CODE)

Pamela Bradley
A compelling and updated new edition of this popular text to provide even greater support for HSC Ancient History. Cities of Vesuvius: Pompeii and Herculaneum Second Edition has been revised...
$46.95 $39.95
Sale -12%
(EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) Cambridge Design and Technology Stage 5 , 2nd Edition ACCESS CODE (EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) Cambridge Design and Technology Stage 5 , 2nd Edition ACCESS CODE
CambridgeDesign & Technology

(EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) Cambridge Design and Technology Stage 5 , 2nd Edition ACCESS CODE

Romalina Rocca et al
Fully revised for the updated Stage 5 Design and Technology syllabus, with even more practical activities and new case studies. The second edition of Design and Technology: Stage 5 has...
$53.95 $47.50
CambridgeDesign & Technology

(EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) Cambridge Design and Technology Stage 6 (DIGITAL ONLY), 2nd Edition

Arna Wesley et al
Written by a highly experienced and creative team of design educators, Design and Technology: Stage 6: encourages students to explore the latest production processes, engage with both popular and emerging...
Sale -12%
(EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) Cambridge Design and Technology Stage 6 Teacher Resource Package, 2nd Edition
CambridgeDesign & Technology

(EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) Cambridge Design and Technology Stage 6 Teacher Resource Package, 2nd Edition

Arna Wesley et al
Design and Technology: Stage 6 Second Edition has been fully revised and updated to offer the most current content available for the NSW Syllabus. It also includes a new Teacher...
$199.95 $175.00
Sale -22%
(EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) Cambridge Hospitality (Access Code), 4th Edition

(EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) Cambridge Hospitality (Access Code), 4th Edition

Tracey Holloway et al
Updated to reflect the new requirements of the Tourism, Travel and Events Training Package (SIT12) and the NSW Stage 6 Hospitality Curriculum, this new edition of the award winning series...
$57.95 $45.00
Sale -19%
(EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) Cambridge HOTmaths Supplement Validation Code (Digital Registration Code)

(EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) Cambridge HOTmaths Supplement Validation Code (Digital Registration Code)

The Cambridge HOTmaths School Validation Code is used to validate a STUDENT school subscription to HOTmaths. If you do not have a school subscription, please visit the HOTmaths website to...
$18.00 $14.50
(EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) Cambridge Language Toolkit 2 for the Australian Curriculum

(EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) Cambridge Language Toolkit 2 for the Australian Curriculum

Andrea Hayes
The Language Toolkit workbook series provides junior and middle secondary school students with the skills to explore the receptive and productive communication modes, enabling them to write, read, listen and...
Sale -9%
(EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) Cambridge Legal Studies Year 11, Stage 6 (Digital ONLY) 5th Edition

(EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) Cambridge Legal Studies Year 11, Stage 6 (Digital ONLY) 5th Edition

Paul Milgate et al
Cambridge Legal Studies Stage 6 Fifth Edition continues to provide the most up-to-date and relevant information, legislation, case studies and statistics on all aspects of the law in an accessible, student-friendly...
$65.95 $60.00

(EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) Cambridge Legal Studies Year 11, Stage 6 Teacher Resource Package (Digital) 5th Edition

Paul Milgate et al
Cambridge Legal Studies Stage 6 Fifth Edition continues to provide the most up-to-date and relevant information, legislation, case studies and statistics on all aspects of the law in an accessible, student-friendly...
$199.95 $175.00

(EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) Cambridge Modern History Transformed Year 11 (DIGITAL REGISTRATION CODE)

Daryl Le Cornu et al
Written by expert author Pamela Bradley, The Ancient World Transformed offers an engaging and flexible approach to the NSW Ancient History syllabus. It provides a variety of options and topics...
$53.95 $47.50
Sale -12%
(EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) Cambridge Studies of Religion, Stage 6, 4th Edition (Teacher Resource Package) (EBOOK CODE)

(EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) Cambridge Studies of Religion, Stage 6, 4th Edition (Teacher Resource Package) (EBOOK CODE)

Christopher Hartney and Jonathan Noble
Revised, reviewed and updated, Cambridge Studies of Religion Stage 6 Fourth Edition provides new, contemporary and up-to-date content to engage Studies of Religion students.A complete, flexible and comprehensive print and...
$199.95 $175.00
Sale -19%
(EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) Cambridge The Great War 1914-1919, 4th Edition (DIGITAL REGISTRATION CODE)

(EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) Cambridge The Great War 1914-1919, 4th Edition (DIGITAL REGISTRATION CODE)

Peter Laurence et al
Making the connection between history and its relevance to the lives of today’s students, the Stage 6 Topics in Modern History series has been written specifically for the new NSW...
$36.95 $30.00
Sale -8%
(EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) CambridgeMATHS Mathematics Advanced Year 11 (Access Code) (FIRM SALE)

(EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) CambridgeMATHS Mathematics Advanced Year 11 (Access Code) (FIRM SALE)

Bill Pender et al
CambridgeMATHS NSW Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum is a complete teaching and learning program to support the implementation of the NSW Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Developed by highly experienced...
$59.95 $55.00
Sale -8%


Bill Pender et al
CambridgeMATHS Stage 6 combines proven approaches to teaching and learning with innovative digital capabilities and complete syllabus coverage of the new Stage 6 courses to guide students to HSC success.  CambridgeMATHS...
$59.95 $55.00


G K Powers
CambridgeMATHS Stage 6 combines proven approaches to teaching and learning with innovative digital capabilities and complete syllabus coverage of the new Stage 6 courses to guide students to HSC success....
$59.95 $55.00

(EBOOK ONLY/EMAILED) CambridgeMATHS Mathematics Standard 2 Year 12 (Access Code) (FIRM SALE)

GK Powers
CambridgeMATHS Stage 6 combines proven approaches to teaching and learning with innovative digital capabilities and complete syllabus coverage of the new Stage 6 courses to guide students to HSC success....
$59.95 $55.00