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BotanyMind, Body, Spirit

Magical Herbalism by Scott Cunningham (Llewellyn's Practical Magick Series)

Scott Cunningham
Draw upon the power of herbs and create amulets, charms, incenses, scented oils, and anointments. The herbs in these recipes are easy to find and their uses are endless: as...
Mind, Body, SpiritSelf Help

The Artist's Way: A Course in Discovering and Recovering your Creative Self by Julia Cameron

Julia Cameron
The Artist's Way provides a twelve-week course that guides you through the process of recovering your creative self. It aims to dispel the 'I'm not talented enough' conditioning that holds many...
Mind, Body, SpiritPhilosophy

The Living Wisdom of Ancient Egypt by Christian Jacq (Hardcover/Dust Jacket)

Christian Jacq
By the author of the popular Ramses series of novels, this book aims to bring a message of peace and harmony from an ancient fund of wisdom held by the...
The Devil's Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce, Illustrated by Ferebe Streett 1st PB 1978 The Devil's Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce, Illustrated by Ferebe Streett 1st PB 1978
Mind, Body, SpiritShop

The Devil's Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce, Illustrated by Ferebe Streett 1st PB 1978

Ambrose Bierce, Illustrated by Ferebe Streett
 Bierce was born in 1842 & disappered in Mexico in 1913. His unflinching assessment of human foibles has made him an important influence on American letters. Has numerous illustrations throughout by...
Set of Tarot Reading cards (Sealed), + 48 page Hardcover Boxed Set (Cachet) Set of Tarot Reading cards (Sealed), + 48 page Hardcover Boxed Set (Cachet)
Mind, Body, SpiritShop

Set of Tarot Reading cards (Sealed), + 48 page Hardcover Boxed Set (Cachet)

Bridget Reed, Illustrated By Colin Howard
Publisher: Kudos Books, Top That! Publishing Ltd Year: 2003 ISBN: 9781842296882 Author: Bridget Reed  Illustrator: Colin Howard Condition: Cards are sealed and the hardcover is in excellent condition. The box...
The Influence of the Planets, Astro-Kinetics Volume II (2) by Edward Whitman HC/DJ The Influence of the Planets, Astro-Kinetics Volume II (2) by Edward Whitman HC/DJ
Mind, Body, SpiritShop

The Influence of the Planets, Astro-Kinetics Volume II (2) by Edward Whitman HC/DJ

Edward W. Whitman
Chapters include Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune--as they are in the twelve signs and twelve houses; Pluto as tranformer, the Sun as inner side of Nature, and the...
The Occult, Witchcraft & Magic An Illustrated History by Christopher Dell HC/DJ The Occult, Witchcraft & Magic An Illustrated History by Christopher Dell HC/DJ
Mind, Body, SpiritShop

The Occult, Witchcraft & Magic An Illustrated History by Christopher Dell HC/DJ

Christopher Dell
"From the earliest Paleolithic cave rituals, magic has gripped the imagination. Magic and magicians appear in early Babylonian texts, the Bible, Judaism and Islam. Secret words, spells and incantations lie...