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ShopSociety & Culture

Sociology, 8th Edition by Anthony Giddens & Philip W. Sutton

Anthony Giddens & Philip W. Sutton
Now in its eighth edition, this continues to be the indispensable guide to understanding the world we make and the lives we lead. Revised and updated throughout, it remains unrivalled...
$61.95 $20.00
Biography & True StoriesEnglish

The Justice Game by Geoffrey Robertson

Geoffrey Robertson
Geoff Robertson was born in Australia, bu came to London in 1970. He made his name as the fearless defender of Oz magazine at the celebrated trial and went on...

Kisses from Katie : A Story of Relentless Love and Redemption by Katie J. Davis

Katie J. Davis with Beth Clark
The New York Times bestselling account of a courageous eighteen-year-old from Nashville who gave up every comfort and convenience to become the adoptive mother to thirteen girls in Uganda. What...
$19.99 $6.00
Biography & True StoriesFilm and Movie Books

The Hollywood Book of Death : The Bizarre, Often Sordid, Passings of More Than 125 American Movie and TV Idols by James Parish

James Robert Parish
Discover the tantalizing details of Hollywood's famous and infamous fatalities The death of a celebrity is often as fascinating as--and sometimes more fascinating than--a star's actual life. From the grisly...

Social Psychology, 8th Edition, 2018 by Michael Hogg and Graham Vaughan

Michael Hogg and Graham Vaughan
The eighth edition of this lively introduction places social psychology in a contemporary, real-world context and explores new, cutting-edge research as well as bringing classic theories to life. Thoroughly revised...
$99.95 $50.00

Introducing Sociolinguistics, 2nd Edition by Rajend Mesthrie et al

Rajend Mesthrie, Joan Swann, Ana Deumert, William L. Leap
Sociolinguistics is one of the central branches of modern linguistics and deals with the place of language in human societies. This second edition of Introducing Sociolinguistics expertly synthesises the main...
$49.95 $15.00
A History of Women in the West 1 From Ancient Goddesses to Christian saints by Georges Duby et al A History of Women in the West 1 From Ancient Goddesses to Christian saints by Georges Duby et al

A History of Women in the West 1 From Ancient Goddesses to Christian saints by Georges Duby et al

Edited by Pauline Schmitt-Pantel, Georges Duby, Michelle Perrot
In the words of the general editors, A History of Women seeks to understand women's place in society, their condition, the roles they played and the powers they possessed, their...
Graffiti and the Writing Arts of Early Modern England by Juliet Fleming HC/DJ Graffiti and the Writing Arts of Early Modern England by Juliet Fleming HC/DJ
Art/Art HIstoryHistory

Graffiti and the Writing Arts of Early Modern England by Juliet Fleming HC/DJ

Juliet Fleming
Tattoos and graffiti immediately bring to mind contemporary urban life and its inhabitants. But in fact, both practices date back much further than is generally thought--even by scholars. Drawing on...
EVERYTHING ELVIS Hardcover Book + Holographic Dust Jacket by Joni Mabe EVERYTHING ELVIS Hardcover Book + Holographic Dust Jacket by Joni Mabe
Antiquarian & CollectiblesMusic Stars

EVERYTHING ELVIS Hardcover Book + Holographic Dust Jacket by Joni Mabe

Joni Mabe
Joni Mabe is the ultimate Elvis fan. For 17 years she has amassed an enormous collection of Elvis memorabilia ranging from the curious to the bizarre: Elvis badges, bedspreads, posters,...
Mod: Clean Living Under Very Difficult Circumstances: A Very British Phenomenon by Terry Rawlings Mod: Clean Living Under Very Difficult Circumstances: A Very British Phenomenon by Terry Rawlings
Fashion DesignJewellery, Watches and Accessories

Mod: Clean Living Under Very Difficult Circumstances: A Very British Phenomenon by Terry Rawlings

Terry Rawlings
Of all the youth cults that emerged during the Twentieth Century the most resilient was Mod with groups including The Jam, Secret Affair, The Lambrettas, and The Chords making a...
Sale -58%
Growing Up Disabled in Australia Edited by Carly Findlay Growing Up Disabled in Australia Edited by Carly Findlay
Biography & True StoriesNon-Fiction

Growing Up Disabled in Australia Edited by Carly Findlay

Edited by Carly Findlay
A rich collection of writing from those negotiating disability in their lives - a group whose voices are not heard often enough 'My body and its place in the world...
$29.99 $12.50
Sale -73%
Transitions for Young Children: Creating Connections Across Early Childhood Systems by Kagan et al
Early ChildhoodShop

Transitions for Young Children: Creating Connections Across Early Childhood Systems by Kagan et al

Sharon Lynn Kagan & Kate Tarrant
A groundbreaking resource for a wide range of professionals—including principals, school-based administrators, program directors, district supervisors, and curriculum specialists—this book brings together the best thinking on early childhood transitions from...
$55.00 $15.00
Biology for Beginners by Wilson McCord Jr. (No. 77) Biology for Beginners by Wilson McCord Jr. (No. 77)

Biology for Beginners by Wilson McCord Jr. (No. 77)

Wilson McCord Jr.
Sex For Beginners is a beautifully illustrated, often humorous documentary comic book that examines human sexuality from the standpoints of history, social relations, and sexual politics.Diverse authorities such as Sade,...
Sex for Beginners by Errol Selkirk, Illustrated by Naomi Rosenblatt (No. 34) Sex for Beginners by Errol Selkirk, Illustrated by Naomi Rosenblatt (No. 34)

Sex for Beginners by Errol Selkirk, Illustrated by Naomi Rosenblatt (No. 34)

Errol Selkirk, Illustrated by Naomi Rosenblatt
Sex For Beginners is a beautifully illustrated, often humorous documentary comic book that examines human sexuality from the standpoints of history, social relations, and sexual politics.Diverse authorities such as Sade,...
20th-Century Pop Culture by Dan Epstein Hardcover 20th-Century Pop Culture by Dan Epstein Hardcover
Non-FictionReference Books

20th-Century Pop Culture by Dan Epstein Hardcover

Dan Epstein
The 20th century will be remembered for many things -- not least as the era in which American popular culture evolved to take a hold on the world. Written by...
The Hangman's Diary: A Calendar of Judicial Hangings by Rocky Stockman HC/DJ The Hangman's Diary: A Calendar of Judicial Hangings by Rocky Stockman HC/DJ
Biography & True StoriesGovernment

The Hangman's Diary: A Calendar of Judicial Hangings by Rocky Stockman HC/DJ

Rocky Stockman
The day-by-day record of some 2,400 judicial hangings from around the world and through the centuries. Introduction by Colin Wilson Publisher: Headline Book Publishing, PLC Year: 1993, First edition, First...
Compromised Jurisprudence: Native Title Cases Since Mabo by Lisa Strelein Compromised Jurisprudence: Native Title Cases Since Mabo by Lisa Strelein
GovernmentIndigenous Studies

Compromised Jurisprudence: Native Title Cases Since Mabo by Lisa Strelein

Lisa Strelein
Native title has dramatically altered the law and public policy in Australia. It has had a fundamental impact on social relations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. The courts have played...
The Erotic Lives of Women by Linda Troeller & Marion Schneider Hardcover/Dustjacket The Erotic Lives of Women by Linda Troeller & Marion Schneider Hardcover/Dustjacket

The Erotic Lives of Women by Linda Troeller & Marion Schneider Hardcover/Dustjacket

Photographs by Linda Troeller & Marion Schneider
"What does the word 'erotic' mean to you? What was your first erotic experience? What was your strongest erotic experience? Do you have any fantasies? These were the questions that...
The Sambia: Ritual and Gender in New Guinea By Gilbert Herdt The Sambia: Ritual and Gender in New Guinea By Gilbert Herdt
ShopSociety & Culture

The Sambia: Ritual and Gender in New Guinea By Gilbert Herdt

Gilbert Herdt
This cultural and psychological study of gender identity and sexual development in a New Guinea Highlands society includes initiation rites and socialisation studies, and contrasts the Sambia with other societies,...
Biography & True StoriesNon-Fiction

Under the Overpass: A Journey of Faith on the Streets of America by Mike Yankoski

Mike Yankoski
Ever Wonder What It Would Be Like to Live Homeless? Mike Yankoski did more than just wonder. By his own choice, Mike's life went from upper-middle class plush to scum-of-the-earth...
$24.95 $10.00
The Return of the Repressed: Gothic Horror from The Castle of Otranto to Alien The Return of the Repressed: Gothic Horror from The Castle of Otranto to Alien
ShopSociety & Culture

The Return of the Repressed: Gothic Horror from The Castle of Otranto to Alien

Valdine Clemens
 "Exploring the psychological and political implications of Gothic fiction, the author focuses on some major works in the tradition: The Castle of Otranto, Frankenstein, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, Dracula,...
Zuni : Selected Writings of Frank Hamilton Cushing Edited & Introduction Jesse Green Zuni : Selected Writings of Frank Hamilton Cushing Edited & Introduction Jesse Green
Biography & True StoriesHistory

Zuni : Selected Writings of Frank Hamilton Cushing Edited & Introduction Jesse Green

Edited with an Introduction by Jesse Green
"Frank Hamilton Cushing's stay at Zuñi pueblo from 1879 to 1884 made him the first professional anthropologist actually to live with his subjects. Learning the language and winning acceptance as...
Sale -62%
Global Awareness : Thinking Systematically about the World by Robert Clark Global Awareness : Thinking Systematically about the World by Robert Clark
Non-FictionPolitics, Political Science

Global Awareness : Thinking Systematically about the World by Robert Clark

Robert P. Clark
This book raises students' awareness and understanding of global trends, forces, and events by showing them how to think about the world systematically. Based on more than a decade of...
$51.95 $20.00